Breaking Bad Rehab

Thanks to Breaking Bad I will never look at an old RV the same! Today millions of people are coming to grips with the fact that Breaking Bad has come to an end. You could look for a long time before finding a critic with something negative to say about the series. Now that it has ended, I might as well give my two cents on what many people say is the best television show ever made. Idaho native Aaron Paul as Jesse Pinkman, Bryan Cranston as Walter White, and all the other tremendous characters took us on quite a ride over the last few years. 

In my opinion, Breaking Bad is similar to many Alfred Hitchcock movies. A regular guy is forced to make decisions after being thrown into extraordinary circumstances. In this case, it's Walter White, a cancer-stricken chemistry teacher who turns to making meth in order to earn money for his family after his death. 

I had heard a lot of good things about Breaking Bad, so I finally started catching up on Netflix. I was a couple of seasons behind when I saw the first episode. Netflix was the perfect vehicle for many people like me. It allowed us to watch multiple episodes in a short period of time, instead of the customary "weekly" waiting period for the next episode. 

Over the course of five seasons mild-mannered Walter White turns into his alter ego Heisenberg, the biggest drug kingpin in the southwest. He was a family man one minute, and ruthless the next. It happened in a believable way through intelligent, engaging scripts and flawless acting. When you thought you knew what would happen next, you would be thrown a curve ball.  Or, if in the off chance you did have something figured out, the show would take you extra steps that you weren't anticipating.  Unlike even the best television dramas, there were few wasted scenes in the entire run of the series, a total of 62 episodes. Everything was done for a purpose. The characters, with all their human flaws, were riveting to watch. I am glad the series ended before it lost any of its dramatic impact.

I am like many of the critics and fans of the show. I would consider it the best television show I have seen. At least to this point. It's not too late to decide for yourself, but beware, in the end you may need some Breaking Bad rehab.