They are the most famous soundbites heard on Idaho Sports Talk.
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It makes me sad
Where is Bush Hamdan
Every morning when I wake up I feel a little bad
Ding Dongs
Buttcheeks were a little tight
I have a goat fascination. I like Goats
Lawyer: Can I ask you a question?
Derek Jeter is gorgeous
I just know what a fat sportswriter likes to do…
Lawyer: You are highly opinionated...
BYU Women
Wiener dog named Pebbles
Hey Prater are you kidding me?
Idaho Rant
I’m a transsexual sportswriter
Kneeling on some pews
Man crush on Tim Tebow
Emperor of Garden City
Larry Craig: Let me be clear…
Robb Akey: The plane didn’t crash
Bob Kustra: Nasty and Inebriated.
Robb Akey: Smokin dope
Dan Hawkins: It’s division one football
Gene Bleymaier accepts San Diego State job
Rod Jensen: ornery streak in you by golly
Milford Terrell : Tell Your Face-get excited
Butch Otter congratulates BSU on Super Bowl win
Robb Akey: Fiddle playin needs to get accomplished
Mayor Bieter: Gora!
Tom Cable-Idaho 1AA
Milford Terrell: Rod Spears
June Jones-recruits players in jail
Dirk Koetter: Boise is not a football town
Ted Dawson: Gene Bleymaier would run naked…
PETA lady : Clamped donkeys
Channel 2 anchor: Someone sent out a decoy...
Ted Dawson: I’ve Never seen Mike Prater
Fan: That’s what it means to be a Bronco
Bart Hendricks: Some guys butts they just feel better than others
Brian Murphy: Rockin an old school wicker hat
Lee from Wieser-Rabbit Dying
Caller: Wilford Brimley not Oprah Winfrey
PETA lady: Horses retired to dinner plates
Ted Dawson: Dee Sarton’s backside
Ted Dawson: 400 years-channel 7 ladies
Jerry Kramer: Meet Dennis Erickson at the Snake River Canyon
Ted Dawson: Come out to a Gymnastics meet
Female author: Amazing Journey
La Tech play by play man: 2 or 3 squirrels to make a meal